So the numbers have been crunched and the leagues have been split out for Zone 2 and we’re ready to share the race passes for Stage 1 for everyone.
Just a couple of updates first.
As you’ll have seen we’ve added a few new categories – D in both Zone 1 and Zone 2 (they are small leagues but its a start and we hope these categories will grow going forwards) and the full A+ category in Zone 2. This means we need more pens – so we’ve split each League into 2 races. One for the high-end of category teams (A+ and the A+/A, B+, C+ & D) and one for the low-end of category teams (just B & C teams for now).
The good news is … you now join the Pen of the letter associated with your category whether you are high-end or low-end. So B+ teams will be in the B pen of the high-end races and B teams will be in the B pen of the low-end races. And C+ will be in the C pen of the high-end races and C will be in the C pen of the low-end races. Simples. (and ticking off another bit of Season 1 feedback )
We’ll get the race name tidied up with Zwift (in time for Stage 2 most likely) – but we’ve mapped all the leagues and categories in the back-end so that only the right race pass will show in your Team Dashboard.
One apology here … we still have it on our web development list to add the COPY button – so for now you’ll have press-and-hold to copy link on an iphone and distribute it if that’s the way you do it.
So Team Captains – click away here, get logged in, and get your riders joining the pens!
Oh … One last thing – we will start to do our pre-race checks and notify when the first run through has been done (maybe tonight if we can, but otherwise tomorrow morning) so that you can check for any flagged riders and have everything clean and tidy in time!
Just let Race Control know in the DRS Discord Server if you’ve any queries.
Team DIRT Racing